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  • Space Exploration Merit Badge Link Tree

    Current Benefits; GPS Apollo 11’s last working experiment on the moon ( Space Pioneers; Former Astronauts – NASA Why Fins are important on rockets – Crazy Rocket ( Feather and Hammer Drop – David Scott does the feather hammer experiment on the moon | Science News ( Manned Exploration; Apollo 15 ALSEP equipment, Interactive VR…

  • Achievements of Gemini 7

    (This is an excerpt from an upcoming book on the Borman Collection in the EAA Museum. This section, Frank Borman Achievements of Gemini 7, along with the rest of the book, is due out this Spring.  Paying Patreon subscribers get a FREE copy when it comes out this Spring as a thank you for support. Join to read this section plus…

  • Frank Borman Telegram Wall

    (This is an excerpt from an upcoming book on the Borman Collection in the EAA Museum. This section, Frank Borman Telegram Wall, along with the rest of the book, is due out this Spring.  Paying Patreon subscribers get a FREE copy when it comes out this Spring as a thank you for support. Join to read this section plus get access…

  • Frank Borman Munich Paper at EAA

    (This is an excerpt from an upcoming book on the Borman Collection in the EAA Museum. This section, Frank Borman and his Munich Paper, along with the rest of the book, is due to come out this Spring.  Paying Patreon subscribers get a FREE copy when it comes out this Spring as a thank you for support. Join to read this…

  • Eisenhower’s Letter on the Space Race

    Eisenhower’s Insite: Eisenhower’s Letter on the Space Race and America’s Lunar Odyssey (This is an excerpt from an upcoming book on the Borman Collection in the EAA Museum. This section, Frank Borman and the Collier Trophy, along with the rest of the book, is due to come out this Spring.  Paying Patreon subscribers get a FREE copy when it comes…

  • Frank Borman and the Collier Trophy

    (This is an excerpt from an upcoming book on the Borman Collection in the EAA Museum. This section, Frank Borman and the Collier Trophy, along with the rest of the book, is due to come out this Spring.  Paying Patreon subscribers get a FREE copy when it comes out this Spring as a thank you…

  • Unveiling Apollo’s Lost Secrets

    Unveiling Apollo’s Lost Secrets: The Discovery into the lost pages of the Manual that described Man’s most incredible Machine. Welcome, fellow space enthusiasts. Join me on an extraordinary adventure as we unearth hidden treasures from the Apollo Operations Handbook and embark on a quest to preserve the legacy of space exploration. Exploration Begins: This week,…

  • The Oldest Moon Rock

    Unveiling the Secrets of Apollo 17: The Oldest Moon Rock In the annals of space exploration, few missions are as iconic as Apollo 17, the final Manned Moon voyage. Yet, amidst the grandeur of this historic undertaking, lies a discovery that continues to astound scientists and space enthusiasts alike. That is the unearthing of the…

  • Eclipse Safety

    Putting Glasses On Using Eclipse Safety The use of Eclipse Glasses is highly recommended and paramount in Eclipse Safety. They are specially designed to block harmful solar radiation and allow you to observe the eclipse without risking eye injury. When putting on eclipse glasses, ensure they are ISO-certified and free from any scratches or damage. Those…

  • How the Apollo Computer Worked

    🌌 Journey back in time to the monumental Apollo 8 mission. The first time humans left Earth to explore another world with a portable calculator, the Apollo Computer! 🚀 Saving 1968 In 1968, against the backdrop of a tumultuous world, Apollo 8 embarked on an audacious voyage to the Moon. It was marking a historic…

  • Chasing the Moon for Free

    Chasing the Moon: The Apollo 10 Exhibit That Soared Beyond Borders In the vast expanse of space history, one exhibit stands out. It transcends borders and capturing the hearts of millions. The Apollo 10 spacecraft is a symbol of human ingenuity, achievement, and a touch of humor. It has found an unexpected home far from…

  • Apollo Transitional Control

    Unveiling the Secrets of Apollo 11 Transitional Control: A Virtual Odyssey 🚀 Welcome, space enthusiasts! This week’s journey takes us deep into the heart of Apollo 11, with an electrifying exhibit that promises to redefine your understanding of space exploration. I’ve added some remarkable features that will not only educate but also immerse you in…

  • Apollo Event Timer Switches

    🚀 Embark on a Cosmic Journey with Spacecraft Guide: Unveiling the Event Timer Switches! 🌌 Greetings, fellow space enthusiasts! 🛰️ Welcome back to another riveting issue of Spacecraft Guide, the channel dedicated to demystifying the intricate workings of spacecraft that have shaped the cosmos. In this edition, we turn our attention to the fascinating world…

  • Assent Helium Isolation Switch

    In this edition, we dive deeper into the lunar lander, focusing on Panel 8. It covers the Explosive Devices Subsystem. Specifically, we examine the Ascent Helium Isolation Switch, a critical component responsible for powering the ascent engine. This switch allows for isolation of defective helium tanks before the initial engine operation, ensuring a backup system…