
Our Latest Blog Post and a list of what we have done On Spacecraft.

  • First and Still Unmatched Reusable Rocket

    The Space Shuttle: The First and Still Unmatched Reusable Rocket Before SpaceX, before Falcon 9, and before the Artemis program, NASA achieved something no one had done before: a reusable rocket system that could throttle its engines and launch astronauts into space over and over again. The Space Shuttle wasn’t just another spacecraft—it was a…

  • The NASA $100 Billion Mistake

    Slashing NASA’s Budget in Half? A $100 Billion Mistake Imagine you found an investment where for every dollar you put in, you got $8 back. Sounds too good to be true, right? But this is exactly what space exploration gives us. For every $1 the U.S. government spends on NASA, the economy sees an $8…

  • Apollo’s $540 Billion Legacy

    How the Moon Landing Launched the App Economy When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin stepped onto the Moon in 1969, they weren’t just making history. They were laying the groundwork for the App Market industry that would one day be Apollo’s $540 billion Legacy. While most people associate the Apollo missions with rockets, lunar landings,…

  • The $15.1 Billion Reason

    The $15.1 Billion Reason to Invest in Space Exploration Imagine waking up one morning to find that GPS has stopped working. No more turn-by-turn navigation, no more precise logistics for global shipping. And—most critically—no more high-tech farming tools that drive modern agriculture. The cost? A staggering $15.1 billion loss to the agricultural industry alone being…

  • Apollo 8-to-1 ROI

    For every dollar spent on space exploration, the U.S. economy gains eight. Yes, you read that right—a staggering 8-to-1 ROI (return on investment). To put this in perspective, the defense industry—boasting the largest budget in the U.S. government—delivers a comparatively modest 2-to-1 ROI. Let’s consider the Apollo Program, which not only achieved monumental space milestones…

  • How Apollo Saves You Gas

    How Apollo’s Navigation System is Paving the Way to Mars (and How Apollo Saves You Gas) How Apollo Saves You Gas With Celestial Navigation Did you know that your GPS owes its existence to the Apollo program? Long before satellites could guide your car to the nearest coffee shop, astronauts used a revolutionary navigation system…

  • Moon Landings to $1.9 Trillion

    Moon Landings to $1.9 Trillion: How Space Travel Changed the Economy In 1960, President John F. Kennedy envisioned a bold future for America—a mission to the Moon. Between 1960 and 1973, the United States invested $25.8 billion in this audacious endeavor. Adjusted for inflation, that’s $257 billion today. But what did America get for those…

  • How the Moon Helped Create $1.4 Trillion GPS Industry

    Did you know that a key to our GPS systems lies… on the Moon? In 1969, Apollo 11 astronauts placed the Laser Ranging Retroreflector (LRRR) on the Moon. This device reflects laser beams sent from Earth, allowing scientists to measure the Earth-Moon distance to the millimeter. It’s Moon Helped Create $1.4 industry. Here’s where it…

  • Unlocking the Moon’s Potential

    Unlocking the Moon’s Potential: Helium-3 as a Clean Energy Source As we explore the vast frontier of space, the Moon, our closest celestial neighbor, is proving to be more than just a stepping stone for exploration. Hidden beneath its surface lies the potential for a revolutionary energy source Unlocking the Moon’s Potential—Helium-3. This rare isotope,…

  • NASA Boeing Starliner’s ADI

    Ever wonder how astronauts know which way is “up” in the vastness of space? In our latest Spacecraft Guide episode, we’re diving into the NASA Boeing Starliner’s PDI (Primary Flight Display) and its remarkable NASA Boeing Starliner’s ADI (or Attitude Directional Indicator) – the modern-day answer to the iconic Apollo “eight-ball”! 🌌 Explore the NASA…

  • Laser Ranging Retro Reflector

    The Apollo 11 Experiment That Made GPS Technology Possible; Laser Ranging Retro Reflector When we think of the Apollo 11 mission, we often picture the first human footprints on the Moon. But something else was left behind that has had a profound impact on our daily lives: the Laser Ranging Retro Reflector (LRRR). This simple…

  • Apollo Lunar Dust Detector

    Apollo Lunar Dust Detector, the Unsung Hero of Space Engineering: How an Apollo-Era Experiment Revolutionized Solar Cells When we think about space exploration, lunar dust probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. But did you know that a little-known experiment during the Apollo missions helped revolutionize solar energy in space? Read on about…

  • The Passive Seismic Experiment Package

    Spacecraft Guide: Unveiling the Secrets of the Moon’s Composition Through the Passive Seismic Experiment Package Are you fascinated by the Moon’s mysteries and the thrilling discoveries made by spacecraft? Then you’re in for an astronomical treat! The surface of the Moon holds fascinating clues about its composition and structure, and NASA has used some pretty…

  • Going to the Moon Link Tree

    Virtual Reality – Virtual Reality notes from my Going to the Moon Speech •ASLEP Apollo 15 – Benefits to Humanity •Site 2 Apollo 17 Lunar Expedition – Scientific Discoveries •Lunar Site 6 Apollo 17 Lunar Expedition – Scientific Discoveries •Bonus – Extra Virtual Reality Tours from my Going to the Moon Speech…

  • Unlocking Secrets of Gemini Spacecraft’s Thrusters

    When you’re floating in the vast expanse of space, thousands of miles from Earth, every system on your spacecraft must work flawlessly. But what happens if the propulsion and attitude systems fail? Imagine a scenario where a fuel or oxidizer tank in the Gemini spacecraft starts leaking. Here are videos of how the Gemini Spacecraft’s…

  • Thruster Troubles in Space

    Remember the iconic Apollo Lunar Module? Its Reaction Control System (RCS) was a marvel of engineering, allowing precise maneuvering in the unforgiving vacuum of space. But even this groundbreaking system wasn’t without its challenges. One was Thruster Troubles in Space. Apollo Warning System for Thruster Troubles in Space Let’s dive into the Apollo Lunar Module’s…

  • Surviving a Thruster Failure in Space

    In the high-stakes world of space exploration, redundancy isn’t just a luxury—it’s a lifesaver. As we look to the future of space travel with vehicles like Boeing’s Starliner, it’s crucial to understand how spacecraft can overcome potential failures, especially in critical systems like thrusters. Let’s take a fascinating journey back to the Apollo era to…

  • Space Exploration Merit Badge Link Tree

    Current Benefits; GPS Apollo 11’s last working experiment on the moon ( Space Pioneers; Former Astronauts – NASA Why Fins are important on rockets – Crazy Rocket ( Feather and Hammer Drop – David Scott does the feather hammer experiment on the moon | Science News ( Manned Exploration; Apollo 15 ALSEP equipment, Interactive VR…

  • Achievements of Gemini 7

    (This is an excerpt from an upcoming book on the Borman Collection in the EAA Museum. This section, Frank Borman Achievements of Gemini 7, along with the rest of the book, is due out this Spring.  Paying Patreon subscribers get a FREE copy when it comes out this Spring as a thank you for support. Join to read this section plus…

  • Frank Borman Telegram Wall

    (This is an excerpt from an upcoming book on the Borman Collection in the EAA Museum. This section, Frank Borman Telegram Wall, along with the rest of the book, is due out this Spring.  Paying Patreon subscribers get a FREE copy when it comes out this Spring as a thank you for support. Join to read this section plus get access…

  • Frank Borman Munich Paper at EAA

    (This is an excerpt from an upcoming book on the Borman Collection in the EAA Museum. This section, Frank Borman and his Munich Paper, along with the rest of the book, is due to come out this Spring.  Paying Patreon subscribers get a FREE copy when it comes out this Spring as a thank you for support. Join to read this…

  • Eisenhower’s Letter on the Space Race

    Eisenhower’s Insite: Eisenhower’s Letter on the Space Race and America’s Lunar Odyssey (This is an excerpt from an upcoming book on the Borman Collection in the EAA Museum. This section, Frank Borman and the Collier Trophy, along with the rest of the book, is due to come out this Spring.  Paying Patreon subscribers get a FREE copy when it comes…

  • Frank Borman and the Collier Trophy

    (This is an excerpt from an upcoming book on the Borman Collection in the EAA Museum. This section, Frank Borman and the Collier Trophy, along with the rest of the book, is due to come out this Spring.  Paying Patreon subscribers get a FREE copy when it comes out this Spring as a thank you…

  • Unveiling Apollo’s Lost Secrets

    Unveiling Apollo’s Lost Secrets: The Discovery into the lost pages of the Manual that described Man’s most incredible Machine. Welcome, fellow space enthusiasts. Join me on an extraordinary adventure as we unearth hidden treasures from the Apollo Operations Handbook and embark on a quest to preserve the legacy of space exploration. Exploration Begins: This week,…

  • The Oldest Moon Rock

    Unveiling the Secrets of Apollo 17: The Oldest Moon Rock In the annals of space exploration, few missions are as iconic as Apollo 17, the final Manned Moon voyage. Yet, amidst the grandeur of this historic undertaking, lies a discovery that continues to astound scientists and space enthusiasts alike. That is the unearthing of the…

  • Eclipse Safety

    Putting Glasses On Using Eclipse Safety The use of Eclipse Glasses is highly recommended and paramount in Eclipse Safety. They are specially designed to block harmful solar radiation and allow you to observe the eclipse without risking eye injury. When putting on eclipse glasses, ensure they are ISO-certified and free from any scratches or damage. Those…

  • How the Apollo Computer Worked

    🌌 Journey back in time to the monumental Apollo 8 mission. The first time humans left Earth to explore another world with a portable calculator, the Apollo Computer! 🚀 Saving 1968 In 1968, against the backdrop of a tumultuous world, Apollo 8 embarked on an audacious voyage to the Moon. It was marking a historic…

  • Chasing the Moon for Free

    Chasing the Moon: The Apollo 10 Exhibit That Soared Beyond Borders In the vast expanse of space history, one exhibit stands out. It transcends borders and capturing the hearts of millions. The Apollo 10 spacecraft is a symbol of human ingenuity, achievement, and a touch of humor. It has found an unexpected home far from…

  • Apollo Transitional Control

    Unveiling the Secrets of Apollo 11 Transitional Control: A Virtual Odyssey 🚀 Welcome, space enthusiasts! This week’s journey takes us deep into the heart of Apollo 11, with an electrifying exhibit that promises to redefine your understanding of space exploration. I’ve added some remarkable features that will not only educate but also immerse you in…

  • Apollo Event Timer Switches

    🚀 Embark on a Cosmic Journey with Spacecraft Guide: Unveiling the Event Timer Switches! 🌌 Greetings, fellow space enthusiasts! 🛰️ Welcome back to another riveting issue of Spacecraft Guide, the channel dedicated to demystifying the intricate workings of spacecraft that have shaped the cosmos. In this edition, we turn our attention to the fascinating world…

  • Assent Helium Isolation Switch

    In this edition, we dive deeper into the lunar lander, focusing on Panel 8. It covers the Explosive Devices Subsystem. Specifically, we examine the Ascent Helium Isolation Switch, a critical component responsible for powering the ascent engine. This switch allows for isolation of defective helium tanks before the initial engine operation, ensuring a backup system…